Welcome to MIX!
We’re thrilled that you’ve joined our WCET and SAN members-only platform, MIX. This page will help you explore and navigate the digital community.
Jump-start Your Community Experience
Here are four suggestions to jump-start your community experience. Click on each item for instructions.
- Log into MIX at MIX.wiche.edu.
- Update your profile and photo by clicking My Account and My Profile.
- View your groups by clicking My Groups.
- Start a discussion from the homepage Start a Discussion or by clicking Post New Discussion from the Discussions tab of any group.
- Reply to a discussion by clicking “Reply…” from within the discussion online OR by replying to a discussion email notification.
Set-up Your Notifications
Customize your notification experience!
You have options when it comes to the emails you receive from MIX.
You can set how you receive post notices and when! Under “My Profile” you can select whether you want emails at all or if you want them in real-time or in a digest format, and can set this at the group level specifically. To set these preferences:
- Click “My Account” on the left menu of MIX,
- Select “My Profile” from the dropdown menu,
- Click “Update Profile.”
- Click on the “Notifications” tab and update your settings by using the dropdown menus. If you want to use the website exclusively and never want to receive an email from the system, choose the “Disable All E-mails” option.
- Set your preference to Individual Emails, Daily Digest, or Weekly Digest messages.
Please note, contact details such as name, title, and email are not editable. If you have changes to this information, please email us at wcetinfo@wiche.edu.