The Complex Economics of Digital Learning: Understanding the Cost and Price of Distance Education and Its Impact on Programs
Increasingly, we as digital learning leaders are being asked to consider the economics of digital learning. WCET recently conducted a survey to better understand the cost and price and distance education.
Join us for an informal conversation about the results of that survey as well as the opportunity to share the challenges you are facing on your campus around the economics of digital learning. We’ll talk about how you are addressing the cost of digital learning on your campus, the role that you play in strategic finance discussions, and share strategies for how distance education and digital learning can play a role in your institution’s strategic planning and finance.
Registration is free and open to current WCET members but limited to the first 75 registrations. Participants are invited to interact via video and/or chat. Closer Conversations are not recorded. Resources shared during the Closer Conversation will be emailed to registrants following the event.
If you need additional support to participate fully in this Closer Conversation, please email by September 17.