The “DETA” Behind Inclusive EdTech Practices: A Research Review from DETA and WCET
WCET partnered with the National Research Center for Distance Education and Technological Advancements (DETA) to conduct a review of equity-focused research in digital learning.
This compilation, Research Review: Educational Technologies and Their Impact on Student Success for Racial and Ethnic Groups of Interest, is meant to inform higher education leaders and administrators about recent and relevant evidence-based practices in using educational technologies, especially in improving education for Black, Indigenous, and LatinX students. Understanding the research helps in understanding instructional and service techniques that can be replicated and scaled across postsecondary education in the U.S. to create equitable and inclusive learning experiences. WCET, DETA, and an expert from Every Learner Everywhere‘s Expert Network shared the lessons learned in this review and the hopes for additional research needed to better guide institutional leaders in improving their practices.
Live captioning was provided by our sponsor, VITAC.
Tanya Joosten
Senior Scientist and Director, Digital Learning, Academic Affairs Research and Development, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Cherise McBride
Lecturer, Literacy and Technology, University of California, Berkeley
Russ Poulin
Executive Director, WCET & Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Education, WICHE (retired)