Regular and Substantive Interaction: Context, Future, and Advice

  • Date : November 16, 2017 10:00 AM
  • Meeting Type : Webcast

In the wake of the U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General’s recommendation regarding Western Governors University, questions about federal financial aid for innovative delivery models for higher education were raised. This webcast examined the intersection of delivery modes (such as distance education and competency-based education), federal financial aid regulations, quality, and fraud prevention. The presenters reviewed efforts to define key terms such as “regular and substantive interaction” and “instructor.”


Van Davis

Executive Director, WCET & Vice President, Digital Learning, WICHE

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Melissa Haberman

Director of Financial Aid, UW Flexible Option, University of Wisconsin-Extension

Laura Pedrick

Executive Director, UWM Online, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Amanda Sharp

Online Instruction Manager, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)


Russ Poulin

Executive Director, WCET & Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Education, WICHE (retired)


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