WCET & SAN Member Virtual Policy Series

  • Date : March 17, 2021 11:00 AM - May 26, 2021 1:00 PM
  • Meeting Type : Webcast

A complimentary series of webinars for WCET and SAN Members

In this three-part series, WCET’s policy experts guided members through some of the hot policy topics facing institutions today.

Live captioning was provided by our sponsor, VITAC. Webinar recordings are available to WCET members.

March 17: The Federal Outlook with a New Administration

In Spring 2021, what was on the horizon for higher education as the Biden administration made its priorities known? Will Congress take steps to reauthorize the Higher Education Act? Discussion items included: equity, pandemic relief, college affordability and debt relief, OPMs, accessibility, and apprenticeships and workforce education.

Participants: Van Davis, Mary Alice McCarthy, Russ Poulin

Moderator: Cheryl Dowd

April 21: Regular and Substantive Interaction

Regular and substantive interaction (RSI), the regulatory language that differentiates correspondence and distance education, continues to be a confusing yet critical element of the definition of distance education. This session focused on the new definition of regular and substantive interaction, scheduled to go into effect July 1, 2021, and answered member questions about RSI.

Participants: Van Davis, Russ Poulin

Moderator: Cheryl Dowd

May 19: Professional Licensure Notifications for Prospective and Enrolled Students

Once associated with online programs, notifications are now required for all programs leading to professional licensure, regardless of modality. This session focused on licensure notification Federal regulations as well as requirements for programs subject to SARA policy. Panelists answered member questions about those requirements for prospective and enrolled students.

Participants: Cheryl Dowd, Russ Poulin, Jeannie Yockey-Fine

Moderator: Van Davis

May 26: WCET Closer Conversation: Policy Series Recap

Members were invited to join our policy team for a Closer Conversation to discuss lingering questions following the spring policy series.

WCET Closer Conversations are informal discussions hosted in Zoom meeting, and participants are invited to interact via video and/or chat. The audience size is limited to 50 participants.

Discussion Leaders: Van Davis, Cheryl Dowd, Russ Poulin

Our Hosts

Van Davis

Executive Director, WCET & Vice President, Digital Learning, WICHE


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Cheryl Dowd

Senior Director, State Authorization Network & WCET Policy Innovations


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Russ Poulin

Executive Director, WCET & Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Education, WICHE (retired)



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Special Guests

Mary Alice McCarthy

Director, Center on Education & Labor, New America

Jeannie Yockey-Fine

General Counsel, NC-SARA