Tag: Digital Learning

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Bringing Joy to Technology Design

Published by: WCET | 3/31/2016

We welcome Alexis Hope, MIT Media Lab, as today’s guest blogger, as she gives us a peek at a new publishing platform that incorporates many types of multimedia into your text copy. Alexis and a panel of MIT Media Lab […]

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Higher Education in the Year 2050: The Age of IoT Global Connectivity

Published by: WCET | 1/21/2016

Have you met Robbie Melton, Tennessee’s emerging education technologies evangelist? We sent her back to the future and an in today’s guest blog post, she shares what she found there. Thank you Robbie! What are your thoughts about the future? […]

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Progress on New Federal Electronic Instructional Materials Accessibility Legislation

Published by: WCET | 9/21/2015

In today’s blog post, we have a conversation with Jarret Cummings, EDUCAUSE’s Director of Policy and External Relations. Jarret has helped lead negotiations on new federal legislation that would facilitate the development of voluntary accessibility guidelines for electronic instructional materials […]

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Breaking Bad: Improving College and University Teaching

Published by: WCET | 4/22/2015

Tony Bates has had a distinguished career promoting distance learning and open learning and content initiatives around the world.  Today Tony shares with us his latest book – an online, open textbook – as a resource for those teaching in our current digital […]

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Opening the Doors to Education: Ensuring Accessibility in Open Textbooks

Published by: WCET | 4/1/2015

Accessibility is a concern across all of technology-enhanced education.  At BCcampus, they wanted to help content creators incorporate accessible practices into their open materials. Amanda Coolidge, Open Education manager at BCcampus, shares with us how they crafted the BC Open Textbook […]

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#WCET14: Ideas Blossomed in the City of Roses

Published by: WCET | 12/4/2014

November 19-21, 2014 seasoned WCET’ers and new comers to our community gathered in Portland, OR (known the City of Roses) to exchange ideas and learn together.  Invigorated by the conversations and fueled by amazing epicurean adventures, the tenor of the […]

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WCET Predictions for 2014 Focus on Academic Quality and Student Needs

Published by: WCET | 2/7/2014

We asked you to: “Predict something that will happen this year regarding teaching, learning, technology, business of e-learning, policy, regulations, student behavior, or other related items.” Not surprising of our followers, the bulk of the focus is on academic issues […]

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WCET Digital Learning Content Summit: Second Day & Free-range Learning

Published by: WCET | 5/11/2012

Yesterday we completed WCET’s Leadership Summit on New Directions for Digital Learning Content.  We had great conversations with academic leaders, elearning professionals, and corporate executives about educational digital resources of all kinds.  Thank you to T.J. Bliss, doctoral candidate at […]

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WCET Digital Learning Content Summit: First Day Highlights

Published by: WCET | 5/10/2012

Greetings from Salt Lake City where WCET is holding its Leadership Summit on New Directions for Digital Learning Content.  Academic leaders, elearning professionals, and corporate executives are sharing advances in both proprietary and open digital resources.  Below is a taste […]

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Online Ed on the New Digital Shoreline

Published by: WCET | 7/27/2011

Roger McHaney is a long-time advocate of online learning and has participated in past WCET Conferences.  He is the Wiki-keeper for ELATEwiki and has recently written a book entitled ‘The New Digital Shoreline: How Web 2.0 and Millennials are Revolutionizing […]


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