Tag: Open Educational Resources

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What Colleges Should Be Doing with Open Educational Resources, At Scale!

Published by: WCET | 2/26/2016

Today we’re honored to welcome TJ Bliss, Program Officer, Education at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to share with us the learning the Foundation has garnered in over 15 years of supporting open educational resource projects.  Thank you, TJ […]

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Embedded Digital Resources Are In, Traditional Textbooks Are Out At UMUC

Published by: WCET | 2/18/2016

During the 2015 WCET Annual Meeting, The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) received a WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award for their work in replacing all of their undergraduate course textbooks with Open Educational Resources.  Thank you to the team […]

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NROC, EdReady, and Continuous Innovation

Published by: WCET | 12/3/2015

For those who attended the annual meeting, you already had in introduction to EdReady by The NROC Project as a 2015 WOW Award winner. They created a great video that explains the basis of the project, but we asked Ahrash […]

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Connected Devices, Connected Colleagues

Published by: WCET | 7/31/2015

You will not want to miss the WCET Annual Meeting in Denver at the beautiful Westin Downtown,  November 11-13.  Though the fall meeting schedule is packed,  a recent attendee said, “WCET is the one meeting on my agenda that I WILL […]

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Implementing a CBE Program: Lessons Learned from Community Colleges

Published by: WCET | 6/11/2015

“We are introducing a disruptive model into the traditional college campus. Nothing will be the same once you take the time orientation off the table.”  Tom Nielsen (Bellevue College) Tom shared that wisdom at last week’s CBE4CC event, which brought […]

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Breaking Bad: Improving College and University Teaching

Published by: WCET | 4/22/2015

Tony Bates has had a distinguished career promoting distance learning and open learning and content initiatives around the world.  Today Tony shares with us his latest book – an online, open textbook – as a resource for those teaching in our current digital […]

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Opening the Doors to Education: Ensuring Accessibility in Open Textbooks

Published by: WCET | 4/1/2015

Accessibility is a concern across all of technology-enhanced education.  At BCcampus, they wanted to help content creators incorporate accessible practices into their open materials. Amanda Coolidge, Open Education manager at BCcampus, shares with us how they crafted the BC Open Textbook […]

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eCampusAlberta Quality Rubric for Online Courses

Published by: WCET | 3/18/2015

A long time supporter of WCET, we are delighted to hear from Tricia Donovan, executive Director of eCampusAblerta today.  Thank you, Tricia, for sharing with us eCA’s work in developing the quality eToolkit.  eCampusAlberta is a consortium of 26 publicly funded post-secondary […]

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Open Educational Resources in ND: A Teacher’s Perspective

Published by: WCET | 1/23/2015

In a continuation of our look into the Open Educational Resources Initiative in North Dakota, today we are excited to share Teresa Tande’s, Associate Professor of English/Humanities at Lake Region State College, story of incorporating OER into her classroom. When […]

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OER Supported by North Dakota Legislators

Published by: WCET | 1/21/2015

Today we have the privilege of hearing from Tanya Spilovoy, director of distance education and state authorization at the North Dakota University System, as she shares with us the journey of an open educational resource initiative that has what we […]


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