Tanya Spilovoy
Director, Open Policy, WCET Staff 2016 - 2022
Tanya was the director of open policy at WCET where she led the National Consortium of Open Educational Resources (NCOER) initiative, which focuses on the policy, practice, and implementation of Open Educational Resources in compact regions, states, systems, and higher education institutions. She and her team conducted research, shared best practices, and initiated efforts to ensure all students have equitable access to low-cost, openly licensed, high-quality learning materials. As director, she collaborated with the regional compacts (MHEC, WICHE, NEBHE, and SREB) to implement open educational resources in states and systems across the nation.
Tanya joined the team in 2016 and previously served as the director for distance education and state authorization for the North Dakota University System. Her continual commitment to the field is evidenced by her engagement in multiple capacities, from co-authoring two national reports to co-creating and teaching at the SPARC Open Educational Leadership Program. She was also presented the 2020 MHEC Outstanding Service Award.
In her spare time, Tanya can be found at the ice rinks cheering on her kids Dakota and Ruby as they play ice sports, although one can also spot her singing or acting in a local musical production.