Theresa Umscheid
WCET Steering Committee, Executive Director, Iowa Community College Online Consortium
Theresa Umscheid is the Executive Director for the Iowa Community College Consortium, a collaborative partnership comprised of 7 of Iowa’s Community Colleges and one private university. She has been part of the ICCOC since its inception in 1999 first acting as the Director of Distance Learning for Iowa Lakes Community College and now as the ICCOC Executive Director.
Theresa’s experience in online learning leadership found her seeking new and innovative initiatives to challenge the ICCOC to continually deliver high quality online education and provide supportive student services. Theresa has spearheaded several faculty development initiatives and grant-funded activities over the years and today leads the ICCOC team, working with its partner colleges, to drive their online learning programs forward.
Theresa has also served on many state and national committees focusing on continual improvement in online learning for postsecondary education. These committees include Pearson Learning Studio Advisory Committee, Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council, ICN Regional Council, and President of IDLA.