
WCET Webcasts

WCET webcasts explore topics in digital learning and feature expert presenters. Webcasts are generally hosted on the third Thursday of the month. Most webcasts are free and open to everyone; however, some are reserved for WCET and State Authorization Network members.

Webcasts are recorded, and you can access those archives on our YouTube channel or by visiting the event pages. Recordings for member-only webcasts can be accessed by emailing knawrocki@wiche.edu.

Upcoming Webcasts

Check back soon for new webcasts!

Past Webcasts

AI Ethics, Governance, Policy, and Practice in Higher Education: A Strategic Webcast for Leaders and Practitioners

04 Apr 2024

AI presents unprecedented opportunities to enhance teaching, learning, and administrative functions within academic institutions, from personalized learning platforms to chatbots and predictive analytics for student success.

Seismic Shifts in Distance Ed Regulations: Gauging Department of Education Rulemaking

20 Mar 2024

Did you feel that quake? In its recent rulemaking, the U.S. Department of Education proposed major changes that will cause institutions to check how the shifting sands will affect...

Accessibility in EdTech: How Do Your Products Rate?

13 Mar 2024

Ensuring accessibility in digital learning products is essential to providing all learners with equal educational opportunities. We'll introduce you to a rubric designed to support institutions and edtech suppliers...

For more information, contact:

Kim Nawrocki

Assistant Director, Events and Programs, WCET



Megan Raymond

Senior Director, Membership and Programs, WCET



LinkedIn Profile