Accessibility in the New Normal of Online/Remote Course Delivery

  • Date : June 11, 2020 12:00 PM
  • Meeting Type : Webcast

During the spring of 2020, education experienced a swift conversion of face-to-face courses to online and remote formats to complete the Spring 2020 terms. Consequently, some support services to students were missed or incomplete to deliver course content. As institutions prepared alternatives for the Fall term, the bar was raised to deliver accessible courses. The Department of Education provided guidance regarding their expectation that the institution will meet legal requirements to ensure that there is no discrimination against those with disabilities. Institutions developing course content for new terms must consider website accessibility for online materials. This session discussed the priorities of planning, faculty training, and the consideration that it is easier to develop digital materials with accessibility in mind than to face a later retrofit of the materials.


Brenda Boyd

Vice President, Quality Standards and Evaluation, Quality Matters

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John Jones

Director, Media Resources Center, Wichita State University

Cyndi Rowland

Executive Director, WebAIM, National Center on Disability and Access to Education, Utah State University


Cheryl Dowd

Senior Director, State Authorization Network & WCET Policy Innovations

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