eLearning Consortia: Stories from the Past Looking to the Future
eLearning consortia foster inter-institutional partnerships to share resources, best practices, and often infrastructure with the goal of increasing institutional capacity for online and technology-mediated courses and programs. Learn how institutions and organizations have developed consortia to leverage resources and extend their ability to enhance student access and success.
The webcast presented the historic perspective of eLearning consortia including past efforts, projects, and research. Current consortial models and organizational structures and services were discussed as well.
Kevin Corcoran
Executive Director, Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium
Carol Gould
Executive Director, Great Plains IDEA, Kansas State University
Pat James
@ONE Course Facilitator, California Community Colleges Virtual Campus & Online Education Initiative
Russ Poulin
Executive Director, WCET & Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Education, WICHE (retired)
Tina Parscal
Associate Vice Chancellor for CCCOnline and Academic Affairs, Colorado Community College System