Category: Practice

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Leadership From the Place You Stand

Published by: WCET | 9/7/2017

Welcome to Kate Jordahl the Director of Strategic Planning & Operations for the California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative. Kate is here to discuss opportunities to help our students and our higher education communities by stepping up to lead. Whether you choose […]

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Welcome Back to Fall

Published by: WCET | 8/31/2017

Traffic has increased, school supplies are in high demand, pumpkin spiced items have already hit the shelves, the marching bands are rehearsing, and there’s a hint of a chill in the air. We are heading toward my favorite season, fall, […]

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Increasing Online Accessibility and Design Quality in your Online Courses

Published by: WCET | 8/24/2017

Thank you to today’s guest blogger, Jackie Luft, Online Accessibility Specialist for Texas Tech Worldwide eLearning. As we start the new academic year, the issue of assuring that our courses are accessible arises anew. Jackie gives us great resources and […]

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What role does research play in EdTech decision-making?

Published by: WCET | 8/3/2017

How are edtech related decisions made at your institution? Do your decision makers review research to make decisions about what edtech is selected for use in the classroom? This week we welcome Fiona Hollands from the Teachers College with Columbia […]

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In Defense of the LMS

Published by: WCET | 7/20/2017

Many of us have worked with Learning Management System (LMS)s in one way or another, as administrators, instructors, support, assistants, or students. And, through working with these platforms, many of us end up strongly disliking them. This week we welcome […]

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We Need YOU! …to comment on Federal State Authorization Regulations

Published by: WCET | 7/13/2017

The Department of Education seeks comments about higher education regulations that may be “appropriate for repeal, replacement, or modification.” WCET and the WCET State Authorization Network (SAN) will comment about the federal state authorization regulations that are scheduled to be […]

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Digital Inclusion – Moving Towards Opportunity for All

Published by: WCET | 6/28/2017

Hello WCET, Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the GlobalMindED conference in Denver, CO to help with the presentation of the first ever Digital Inclusion award. We co-sponsored this award with GlobalMindED. All of the nominees are working […]

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Introducing WCET’s ‘Z Initiative’ on Open Textbooks and OER

Published by: WCET | 6/15/2017

Drum roll please! Welcome to WCET’s new Director of Open Policy, Tanya Spilovoy! Tanya is here on WCET Frontiers today to introduce the new WCET Z Initiative and her work with OER and Open Policy. We’re quite excited to have […]


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