Category: Practice

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Congress Proposes Changes to Student Data Usage and Privacy Regulations

Published by: WCET | 8/20/2015

Van Davis, Blackboard’s new Associate Vice President of Higher Education Research and Policy, is today’s guest blogger. We’re all engaged in assuring that student data is used properly. Van gives us an insight into legislation that may add new responsibilities in protecting student […]

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Recycling, Revitalizing and Reimagining

Published by: WCET | 8/11/2015

Today we welcome Stacey Güney, director, HLC ACCelerator, Austin Community College as she shares with us how the rebirth of the physical shell of the Highland Mall has led to the rebirth of hope in ACC students. Rebirth of the Highland […]

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Three A’s Driving the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act

Published by: WCET | 8/6/2015

This summer the Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor & Pensions) Committee has begun the process of reauthorizing the Higher Education Act of 1965.  As some of you have experienced in previous reauthorizations, the committee has been holding hearings to determine […]

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Connected Devices, Connected Colleagues

Published by: WCET | 7/31/2015

You will not want to miss the WCET Annual Meeting in Denver at the beautiful Westin Downtown,  November 11-13.  Though the fall meeting schedule is packed,  a recent attendee said, “WCET is the one meeting on my agenda that I WILL […]

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Highlights from #WCETSummit: #AdaptiveLearning in #HigherEd

Published by: WCET | 6/19/2015

As has become tradition, June 10th and 11th, a band of WCET’ers gathered to explore an emerging innovation in higher education – adaptive learning.  Following in the footsteps of our summits on big data and alternative credentials, this summit looked […]

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Implementing a CBE Program: Lessons Learned from Community Colleges

Published by: WCET | 6/11/2015

“We are introducing a disruptive model into the traditional college campus. Nothing will be the same once you take the time orientation off the table.”  Tom Nielsen (Bellevue College) Tom shared that wisdom at last week’s CBE4CC event, which brought […]

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Four Recommendations for the Higher Ed Act Reauthorization

Published by: WCET | 6/4/2015

Some new federal regulations may be coming your way and we need to make our voice heard. We need your help in addressing concerns in four areas: ensuring equity for financial aid, student identity, accessibility, and state authorization of distance […]

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CCCOnline Finds Success in Six-week Intensive Courses

Published by: WCET | 5/13/2015

As of summer 2014 CCCOnline has been offering 6-week intensive courses.  These have shown great promise in terms of student interest, student success/retention, and instructor satisfaction.  Before I embark on this journey we’ve been on, first a little background on […]

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Breaking Bad: Improving College and University Teaching

Published by: WCET | 4/22/2015

Tony Bates has had a distinguished career promoting distance learning and open learning and content initiatives around the world.  Today Tony shares with us his latest book – an online, open textbook – as a resource for those teaching in our current digital […]

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Opening the Doors to Education: Ensuring Accessibility in Open Textbooks

Published by: WCET | 4/1/2015

Accessibility is a concern across all of technology-enhanced education.  At BCcampus, they wanted to help content creators incorporate accessible practices into their open materials. Amanda Coolidge, Open Education manager at BCcampus, shares with us how they crafted the BC Open Textbook […]


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