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Learn. Do. Connect. Enjoy. In the Mile High City.

Published by: WCET | 9/13/2011

WCET’s 23rd Annual Conference is just around the corner.  The office is a buzz with the coordination of speakers, logistics, and details for the conference. I like many of you, am wondering if we lost a month of summer, because […]

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WICHE Internet Course Exchange—A Solution for Institutions with Declining Budgets

Published by: WCET | 9/8/2011

Guest post by Kelley Brandt, Assistant Director of Distance Education at Boise State University.  Kelley also serves as the WICHE ICE PIC Coordinator organizing communications and activities among the participating institutional representatives.  Broadening student access to experts through collaboration Social […]

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To Enter the “Ranks” or Not…

Published by: WCET | 9/1/2011

At the end of July, I moderated a webcast for WCET with Bob Morse and Eric Brooks from US News and World Report regarding their forthcoming ranking of online education.  The purpose of the webcast was to answer the questions […]

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What’s Ahead for Higher Education?

Published by: WCET | 8/23/2011

Adrian Sannier, vice president of product at Pearson eCollege, and Mark Sarver, CEO of EduKan, will be kicking off WCET”S 23rd Annual Conference, in Denver, CO on October 26-29.  The duo will present about the future of technology in higher […]

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Further Clarification about Federal Complaint Process Requirement

Published by: WCET | 8/10/2011

We have received a lot of questions about the complaint process portion of the federal student complaint process regulation since Russ’s July 19 blog Federal Student Complaint Regulation- Clarifying Misconceptions. My sense is that some are panicking at the thought […]

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State Authorization Updates on Reciprocity & Surveys

Published by: WCET | 8/4/2011

It’s suddenly the dog days of August.  Many people are on vacation and the beginning of a new school year is only weeks away for many institutions. Below are updates on several activities regarding the State Authorization regulations. Lumina/Gates State […]

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Online Ed on the New Digital Shoreline

Published by: WCET | 7/27/2011

Roger McHaney is a long-time advocate of online learning and has participated in past WCET Conferences.  He is the Wiki-keeper for ELATEwiki and has recently written a book entitled ‘The New Digital Shoreline: How Web 2.0 and Millennials are Revolutionizing […]

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Federal Student Complaint Regulation – Clarifying Misconceptions

Published by: WCET | 7/19/2011

In the hubbub over the ‘state authorization’ issue for distance education, we have not paid as much attention to another part of the regulations released last October.  Each institution must notify all current and prospective students of third-party complaint processes.  […]

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Court “Vacates” Distance Ed Portion of State Authorization Regulation

Published by: WCET | 7/12/2011

Today (July 12, 2011), the United States District Court for the District of Columbia struck down the distance education portion of the U.S. Department of Education’s (USDOE) ‘state authorization regulations.  The decision is as a result of a lawsuit brought […]

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Guest Blog: A Glimpse of the Future

Published by: WCET | 7/6/2011

Myk Garn, SREB, and Hae Okimoto, University of Hawaii, have been thinking up an exciting new addition to the WCET Annual Conference.  We asked them to share their idea with you. The future is relatively hard to predict.  But, future […]


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