Academic Integrity In Higher Education Technology – An interview with WCET and Tricia Bertram Gallant – Recording

This interview between WCET’s Lindsey Downs, and UCSD’s Tricia Bertram Gallant, took place at SxSWEDU in 2017, and  focuses on academic integrity in higher education, with a specific focus on the use of educational technologies, student authentication, and the various institutional roles that may impact academic integrity within an institution.

Download the transcript.

Academic Integrity In Higher Education Technology – An interview with WCET and Tricia Bertram Gallant – Transcript

This interview transcript, between WCET’s Lindsey Downs, and UCSD’s Tricia Bertram Gallant, took place at SxSWEDU in 2017, and  focuses on academic integrity in higher education, with a specific focus on the use of educational technologies, student authentication, and the various institutional roles that may impact academic integrity within an institution.

Talking Points: Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Comprehensive resource on prior learning assessment, including benefits, PLA processes, portfolio assessment, commonalities between different assessments, and resources.

This Talking Points document was developed in 2013 and is time-bound, this specific resource has not/may not be updated to reflect current regulations and understandings.

Guidelines for Creating Student Services Online – Cross-Phase Issues

Guidelines for Creating Student Services Online – Cross-Phase Issues

Additional and related documents:

Guidelines for Creating Student Services Online – Project Phases

The LAAP partners divided their student service projects into phases to manage the workflow and expectations. These guidelines describe the approaches and activities that proved most useful.

Additional and related documents:

Letter from WCET and SAN Requesting Guidance on Regulatory Requirements in Distance Ed and Innovation

A letter from August 2021 from WCET and SAN to acting Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education Michelle Asha Cooper requesting guidance on regulatory requirements in distance ed and innovation.


Hewlett Foundation OER Strategy

Military-Affiliated Students: Managing International Compliance When Duty Calls

Out-of-State Student Complaint Options