Tag: Course Design

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Adaptive Learning: The Future is Up to Us

Published by: WCET | 8/8/2019

Today we’re excited to welcome back Patricia O’Sullivan, the Program Manager for Externally Funded Academic Innovation Projects at the University of Mississippi. Patti inspired us last year with the University of Mississippi’s work in this area to help their students […]

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Augmented Reality Adventures in Teaching Horticulture

Published by: WCET | 5/22/2019

Today we welcome Shannon Riggs, Executive Director of Course Development and Learning Innovation for Oregon State University Ecampus. She is also the author of the forthcoming Thrive Online: A New Approach for College Educators (Stylus, 2019). Shannon shares with us […]

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Generation Z Engaged in the Classroom

Published by: WCET | 3/6/2019

Vickie S. Cook, Executive Director of the Center for Online Learning, Research and Service at the University of Illinois Springfield, explores the strengths of the innovative and eager Generation Z students. In her blog, she depicts the unique story and […]

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Announcing the Report Reader Checklist: Your newest research resource

Published by: WCET | 1/18/2019

Today we’re excited to welcome Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Kathryn Linder from the Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit to introduce an excellent new resource: the Report Reader Checklist. This checklist is a set of criteria that can help […]

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The Year in Review – What WCET Frontiers Posts Did You Read in 2018?

Published by: WCET | 12/20/2018

[caption id="attachment_10667" align="alignright" width="321"] Casey Kasem. Photo from The Scooby-Doo! Gang: In Their Own Words DVD.[/caption] In 2018, the idea for a “Most Popular Movie” Oscar (thankfully) came and went, we debated whether we heard “laurel” or “yanni,” and J.R. […]

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The value of micro-credentials and badging needs continual clarification

Published by: WCET | 12/14/2018

Welcome today to David Porter, CEO of eCampusOntario, who joins us to discuss the value of micro-credentials and badging. After an intriguing keynote presentation at an educational event, David reached out to several education colleagues who work and research in […]

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Regional Collaboration in Promoting OER Adoption

Published by: WCET | 12/12/2018

Today WCET Frontiers is excited to showcase the recent Open Educational Resources (OER) Implementation and Policy Summit for the MHEC States. This multi-state OER meeting brought together OER advocates from across campuses, legislatures, faculty, students, and more to collaboratively learn […]

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Accessibility & Procurement: What do we need to know?

Published by: WCET | 11/14/2018

WCET and the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) jointly offer this blog post on a topic of national interest to education communities. This post is part of the on-going collaboration on accessibility issues between WCET and OLC. Thank you to Kelly Hermann, University […]


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