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Confessions of a MOOC Reviewer

Published by: WCET | 8/13/2013

In our on-going series of blog posts on MOOCs, Elizabeth Allan shares her experiences as a reviewer of the “credit-worthiness” of a science MOOC.  Previously, Patricia Book gave us her insight into the overall ACE review process.  In this post, […]

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MOOCs are Maturing

Published by: WCET | 8/8/2013

Our next guest blogger in our series on MOOCs is Ray Schroeder, who, until recently was the Associate Vice Chancellor of Online Learning at the University of Illinois Springfield.  Congratulations to Ray on his new position with UPCEA.  Ray has […]

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Crafting an Effective MOOC: One Community College’s Experience

Published by: WCET | 8/6/2013

As part of our series on MOOCs, WCET asked Pat James Hanz of Mt. San Jacinto College to provide an overview of their experience in developing and offering their first course.  We also asked her to provide some lessons learned […]

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MOOCs – A Question of Credit

Published by: WCET | 7/31/2013

John Ebersole, president of Excelsior College, gives his views on where MOOCs currently stand on their trek to become avenues for students to receive college credit.  This guest blog posting is part of a short series on MOOCs and follow […]

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ACE’s First Review of MOOCs for Academic Credit

Published by: WCET | 7/25/2013

Over the next few weeks, WCET will publish a series of blog posts on Massively Open Online Courses.  Given the amount of press that MOOCs have received over the past year, you must be wondering why we need more writings […]

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The Significance of CCRC’s New Research on Online Ed

Published by: WCET | 2/21/2013

Last Sunday, a New York Times editorial educated us on “The Trouble with Online College.” When the editorial focuses on the results of a longitudinal study by Columbia University’s  Community College Research Center (CCRC).  While they make some good points, […]

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ds106 is Made of the Stuff the Web is Made of

Published by: WCET | 2/13/2013

With all this talk about MOOCs, we wanted to hear from someone who had deep experience with open courses long before the idea was discovered by the elite universities.  Guest blogger Alan Levine most recently was instructional technology specialist at […]

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E-learning Predictions for 2013: Will Institutions Be Turned Upside Down?

Published by: WCET | 1/31/2013

A few weeks ago we asked you to: “Predict something that will happen this year regarding teaching, learning, technology, business of e-learning, policy, regulations, student behavior, or other related items.”  Some people see big changes for higher education.  Will higher […]


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