Tag: Survey

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Exemplars in the Fight against Syndicate Cheating

Published by: WCET | 10/30/2020

Over the past two weeks, Frontiers has featured its series on academic integrity and cheating syndicates. The first post considered the spectrum of threats facing higher education and our students and the second looked at the practices cheating sites use […]

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The Landscape of OER Policy and Practice in Texas

Published by: WCET | 12/19/2019

Welcome to Judith Sebesta, Executive Director of the Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex), who joins us with an update on the strategic planning process for the former Virtual College of Texas and to tell us about this year’s […]

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Announcing 10 Tips for Report Writers

Published by: WCET | 4/3/2019

In this blog, we welcome Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Kathryn Linder from the Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit as they introduce a companion resource: 10 Tips for Report Writers. This new resource was thoughtfully developed to assist practitioners […]

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Tracking enrollments in online and distance education in Canada: 2018

Published by: WCET | 3/26/2019

WCET plays an integral role in advising the Canadian National Survey of Online and Distance Education. This is the second year of the survey and the following blog contains the most recent results. Thanks Tricia Donovan! -Erin Walton, contract editor […]

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Open Textbooks and OER in Colorado: Lots of Interest and Great Promise

Published by: WCET | 2/9/2018

This week on WCET Frontiers Blog, Tanya Spilovoy, Ed. D., Director of Open Policy for WCET, discusses the outcomes of the Colorado Open Educational Resources (OER) Council recent work in open textbook initiatives, her research and consulting role with WCET, […]

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Distance Ed Growth – Access is a Big Motivator, But It’s Complicated

Published by: WCET | 2/1/2018

Distance education enrollment data continue to show growth. But, we wondered why. Is the motivation to serve more students, to make money, both, neither, or a complex set of other issues? We had heard many theories, often delivered with absolute […]


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