Shameless Plug for and Heartfelt Thanks to WCET
Published by: WCET | 10/7/2010
Tags: WCET, WCET Annual Conference
Published by: WCET | 10/7/2010
Tags: WCET, WCET Annual Conference
Original post from Ellen Wagner on her eLearning Roadtrip blog:
As I have been immersing myself in the issues, politics and nuances of post-secondary educational online learning this past year, I have come to appreciate the role that a cooperative community of interest can play. Can I just say, It’s quite nice having a posse that I can count on to watch my back, to help keep programs on point, and to keep an eye on the horizon so I’m not taken by surprise by some hot unexpected blip on the innovation screen.
So I want to take a moment to give the crew from WCET a shout out, and to thank them for (1) contributing to institutional quality through their focus on implementation (2) focusing on excellent execution of services that online students AND faculty need to succeed; and (3) sharing their knowledge, experience and wisdom with the other members of the Cooperative.
I’m not just talking about the WCET staff, but of course we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if it weren’t for the rock star staff.
I am also talking about my Executive Council – leaders actively engaged in the work of enabling excellence in post-secondary education in their executive roles in universities and companies.
I am talking about my Steering Committee – dedicated individuals who run for office to represent the interests of their fellow Cooperative members.
I am talking about our Common Interest Group members, busy people who actively share successes and places for improvement, documenting the collective knowledge in resources available to all individuals who work at our member institutions and companies.
I am talking about our Annual Meeting Program Committee, who have put together a great agenda for our face-to-face time together in LaJolla, CA, November 10-13.
I am talking about all those people who take the time to send me notes, feedback, suggestions, advice.
If you are from a company or institution that cares deeply about making a difference in how learning and learners can be better served by learning technologies, we may be just the ticket. Check us out at wcet.wiche edu. Come join us at our annual meeting. Come register for a webcast.
We’re heeee-r-e.
2 replies on “Shameless Plug for and Heartfelt Thanks to WCET”
We are also thankful for the energy and the leadership you have brought to WCET – I can feel the renewed enthusiasm, even in the “cloud”. But hey – how come there’s no smiling face in the profile section? We know that you are always on the go and almost seem like a phantom but I’m old and old fashioned and you know what they say, a picture is worth a 1000 words 😉 Happy thanksgiving to you too, the WCET staff and all my WCET friends. – hae
Congratulations to all the WICHE-WCET team.
We welcome all the changes that has renewed the community in a world of acceleratead changes where new technologies surround us.
Happiness for all,