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Sweeping Changes Proposed by the Department of Education

Published by: WCET | 8/3/2018

Ready to change higher education, as we know it, in the United States? Based on two announcements from the U.S. Department of Education on July 31, Betsy DeVos and company seem poised to do so. [caption id="attachment_10159" align="alignright" width="259"] Photo: […]

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Creative Commons Offers New Certificate on Open Licensing

Published by: WCET | 8/1/2018

As WCET’s Director of Open Policy, one of the issues I constantly face is getting people up-to-speed on their options for openly licensing content. As they describe on their “about” page, Creative Commons “provides free, easy-to-use copyright licenses to make […]

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A DETA Update

Published by: WCET | 7/26/2018

It’s a DETA Update! Today we welcome Tanya Joosten, Director of Digital Learning Research and Development and Co-Director, National Research Center for Distance Education (DETA) and Technological Advancements at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, to give us an update on DETA. […]

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My online course quality rubric has a first name. It’s O-S-C-Q-R!

Published by: WCET | 7/19/2018

Today on WCET Frontiers, we welcome Alexandra Pickett, the Director of Open SUNY Online Teaching, to talk with us about the development of the online course design rubric OSCQR. This rubric was developed to help faculty improve the quality and […]

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The Announcement of the Delay was Delayed, but the Result is a Delay!

Published by: WCET | 7/5/2018

When is a “delay” not a delay? The Department of Education’s latest regulation on state authorization went into effect on July 1. The Department wanted to announce a delay of the effective date before last Sunday. They missed that deadline. […]

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A Consortium Closes. Wondering Why? And Why I Will Miss It.

Published by: WCET | 6/29/2018

As recently as April, I cited the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium (CTDLC) as a stellar example of institutions coming together to accomplish more in partnership than they could on their own. Shortly thereafter, it was announced that CTDLC is closing […]

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The Evolution of Librarians: Open Education Leadership

Published by: WCET | 6/22/2018

We are proud to have Tanya Spilovoy, WCET Director of Open Policy, provide periodic updates on events in the world of open education. Today’s post talks about her role in the development and teaching of a professional development program for […]

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Looking Back on 30 years of WCET

Published by: WCET | 6/20/2018

Happy Birthday WCET! This year we’re celebrating WCET’s 30th birthday! We hope you’ll join the celebration at the 2018 WCET Annual Meeting. Today, Rosa Calabrese, WCET’s Manager of Digital and Project Support Services, is here to review the last 29 […]

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WCET’s 7th Annual Leadership Summit

Published by: WCET | 6/15/2018

We just got back from the annual WCET Leadership Summit in Newport Beach, CA where we deliberated on how digital learning can help higher education can embrace: Equity as a demonstrated priority for the institutions’ students, faculty, and staff. Accessibility […]


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