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WCET Family Reunion 2017

Published by: WCET | 11/9/2017

You really should have been in Denver at WCET’s 29th Annual Meeting…or “family reunion” as Mike Abbiatti liked to call it. If you were there, you probably did not catch every session and every conversation. Let me help.  I’m here […]

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What is Distance Education? – Definitions and Delineations

Published by: WCET | 11/7/2017

Close your eyes (not for too long) and answer the question: “What is distance education?” Did you envision the same concept and experiences as I did? Even though more than one-quarter of all higher education students in the United States […]

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Research Preparation and Engagement of Instructional Designers

Published by: WCET | 11/2/2017

WCET was thrilled to help recruit participants for the Spring 2017 Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit national study on the research engagement and training of instructional designers in institutions of higher education. Today we welcome the authors of the […]

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Fight the FoMO: Catch up on OER

Published by: WCET | 10/26/2017

Greetings from beautiful Denver, CO, where WCET Frontiers is joined by our Director of Open Policy, Tanya Spilovoy. Read on to catch up with Tanya on OER events, the Z Initiative, and how you can connect with her (either here […]

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From a Vision to Reality: The Story of Sentinel City®

Published by: WCET | 10/24/2017

Today we continue the WCET Frontiers series on the 2017 WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Awards. These awards honor member institutions and organizations that develop technology-based solutions to challenging educational needs. The 2017 award winners will be honored this week at […]

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New Survey Tracks Online and Distance Education in Canada

Published by: WCET | 10/19/2017

Congratulations to our Canadian friends on releasing the results of their first survey of online learning activities throughout their country. Released on Tuesday of this week at the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, the report (“Tracking Online and Distance […]

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Blackboard Ally: Tackling Accessibility in Higher Education

Published by: WCET | 10/11/2017

Today we continue the WCET Frontiers series on the 2017 WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Awards. These awards honor member institutions and organizations that develop technology-based solutions to challenging educational needs. We welcome Blackboard to discuss their award winning program Ally. […]

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Digital Credentials for Faculty Professional Development

Published by: WCET | 10/5/2017

I’ve held many conversations with higher education professionals about how to encourage the use of instructional technologies in the classroom. Many times the conversation revolves around the newest innovations, what tool is the most user-friendly, or which new tech will […]

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The OIG Report on WGU, Part 2: React…But Don’t Overreact

Published by: WCET | 10/3/2017

It has been more than a week since the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued its Final Audit Report declaring that “Western Governors University Was Not Eligible to Participate in the Title IV Programs.” Both of […]


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