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Sustaining Innovation: Tips for Leading a Maturing Entity

Published by: WCET | 9/2/2015

Note: This blog post is for those managers of online learning or extended learning units who are in maturing organizations. If you have started an online learning unit or recently been asked to transition an operation to partially or fully […]

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Connected Devices, Connected Colleagues

Published by: WCET | 7/31/2015

You will not want to miss the WCET Annual Meeting in Denver at the beautiful Westin Downtown,  November 11-13.  Though the fall meeting schedule is packed,  a recent attendee said, “WCET is the one meeting on my agenda that I WILL […]

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Highlights from #WCETSummit: #AdaptiveLearning in #HigherEd

Published by: WCET | 6/19/2015

As has become tradition, June 10th and 11th, a band of WCET’ers gathered to explore an emerging innovation in higher education – adaptive learning.  Following in the footsteps of our summits on big data and alternative credentials, this summit looked […]

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IPEDS Fall 2013: Distance Education Data Reveals More Than Overall Flat Growth

Published by: WCET | 3/10/2015

The first blog post in this series analyzed the Fall 2013 distance education enrollment data (as released by the U.S. Department of Education’s IPEDS survey) sector-by-sector. The post revealed that one-of-four students took at least one distance education course and […]

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WCET Strategic Priorities: Practice, Policy, and Advocacy

Published by: WCET | 2/24/2015

Today we hear from Peter Smith, Founding President, Open College @ Kaplan University and chair of the WCET Executive Council.  Thank you Peter for your insights today and the leadership you provide your Cooperative. It is a tremendous honor to […]

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Connecting the Dots

Published by: WCET | 1/14/2015

Today we welcome our new WCET executive director, Michael D. Abbiatti, to his first post on Frontiers.  Many of you know Mike from his years of active participation as a member of WCET.  We invite you to take a moment […]

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#WCET14: Ideas Blossomed in the City of Roses

Published by: WCET | 12/4/2014

November 19-21, 2014 seasoned WCET’ers and new comers to our community gathered in Portland, OR (known the City of Roses) to exchange ideas and learn together.  Invigorated by the conversations and fueled by amazing epicurean adventures, the tenor of the […]

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U-Pace: Building Student Success Through Content Mastery & Proactive Support

Published by: WCET | 10/22/2014

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a 2014 WCET Outstanding Work Award winner for their innovative online instructional approach, U-Pace.  Today Diane Reddy and Ray Fleming, co-creators of U-Pace and Laura Pedrick, executive director of UWM Online, share with us a […]


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