State Authorization Across State Borders

Publication from OLC, UPCEA, and WCET on regulations that allow states to regulate institutions that conduct instruction and other postsecondary activities within their borders. Document includes primary regulatory references, history of state authorization, definitions, state concerns, and principles of state authorization.

Regular and Substantive Interaction: Background, Concerns, and Guiding Principles

Financial Aid and the 21st Century Learner: Background, Concerns, and Guiding Principles

The publication from OLC, UPCEA, and WCET reviews the background and history of student eligibility and other regulations for postsecondary financial aid, concerns that may require congressional action to address, and guiding principles of financial aid regulations in the United States.

Competency-Based Education, Direct Assessment, and Financial Aid: Background, Concerns, and Guiding Principles

The publication from OLC, UPCEA, and WCET reviews the background and history of competency-based education and direct assessment, with related financial aid regulations, concerns that may require congressional action to address, and guiding principles of regulations regarding instructional modality in the United States.

Accessibility of Online Course Materials

Short resource on the accessibility of online course materials, including why accessibility of materials is important, related regulations, overview of universal design for learning. This Talking Points document was developed in 2014 and is time-bound, this specific resource has not/may not be updated to reflect current regulations and understandings.

Accessibility in Online Courses – Trends, Tips, & Tools

Resource created by WCET staff, Kathleen Bastedo and Nancy Swenson (both instructional designers for the Center for Distributed Learning at the University of Central Florida), on trends related to accessibility and online courses, tips for building accessible courses, strategies for using assistive technology for faculty and students, useful accessibility tools, and accessibility related organizations and resources.

Guidelines for the Review and Evaluation of Distance Education

Compiled links to Guidelines and Policy Statements from the Regional Accrediting Commissions. Please note this resource was created in 2013 and has not/will not be updated with more current information.

All Hands on Deck: Ten Lessons from Early Adopters of Competency-Based Education

2014 publication by Patricia A. Book, Leadership Fellow with WCET, with best practices for developing competency-based education programs based on a review of seven early implementers of CBE programs in higher education.

Recruiting, Orienting, & Supporting Online Adjunct Faculty

Report on a survey of recruiting, orienting, and supporting practices for online adjunct faculty conducted by Andrew Magda (Learning House), Russ Poulin (WCET), and Dr. David Clinefelter (Learning House).

Letter from Eduardo Ochoa on Last Day of Attendance

Letter from Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education Eduardo Ochoa to ACUTA, UPCEA, and WCET in response to the organization’s earlierĀ  letter regarding documentation of student last day of attendance.