New on WCET Frontiers

State Approval: SHEEO, NCHEMS, & NASASPS are Here to Help
Published by: WCET | 5/5/2011
The first two organizations will be working on a new list of state regulators and regulations. The last organization is comprised of state regulators, who met in Denver this week. It was interesting to get their take on the ‘state […]

State Approval: 7 Steps (and Words of Advice) in Applying to States
Published by: WCET | 4/25/2011
WCET: Many people have asked for advice on the steps to take in researching state regulations and applying to states for approval. When WCET and our partners were creating the ‘Starter List’ of state regulatory agencies, Sharyl Thompson of Capella […]

State Approval: USDOE Issues Second ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter
Published by: WCET | 4/20/2011
Around 5:00 Eastern Time today (April 20), the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) released a new ‘Dear Colleague’ letter on the ‘state authorization’ regulation. After a quick review, below are immediate thoughts on the new language. The USDOE is to […]

State Approval: “Cease & Desist” and “Teach Out”
Published by: WCET | 4/13/2011
“It is illegal for you to offer classes in this state.” Stay Outta My State That was the essence of a call that a WCET member institution received last week. A state regulator from another state called the registrar’s office […]

State Approval: Rumors and Implications
Published by: WCET | 4/8/2011
Rumors There are rumors, hints, innuendos, and whispers floating around about the federal ‘state authorization’ regulation… A leader of a national organization (who had been in contact with the Department of Education on this issue) said that he thought there […]

State Approval: 16 USDOE Observations/Responses…In Their Own Words
Published by: WCET | 3/30/2011
On Monday, the Presidents’ Forum of Excelsior College held a meeting in Washington, DC addressing the “Federalization of Higher Education.” Other topics arose, but the main focus of the discussion was on the ‘state authorization’ regulation. While I was on […]

State Approval: ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter Analyzed & My Call for Delay
Published by: WCET | 3/17/2011
The long-awaiting ‘Dear Colleague’ letter is now here. The letter is meant to answer outstanding questions on this regulation. Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it fails. Eduardo Ochoa, Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, reminds us that: “this guidance is provided […]

Web Accessibility: What Will It Take to Sustain Online Accessibility?
Published by: WCET | 3/16/2011
The 2010 Managing Online Education survey had a very disturbing finding considering that distance education has moved beyond its nascent years. We learned that many campuses do not have formal policies and procedures to assure that their online courses and […]

State approval: House Hearing, Call to Action, Impacts, & Starter List
Published by: WCET | 3/10/2011
House to Investigate ‘State Authorization’ Tomorrow, the U.S. House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training will hold a hearing titled “Education Regulations: Federal Overreach into Academic Affairs.” We’ve heard that ‘state authorization’ is one of the issues that they […]

State Approval: Running in Two Directions
Published by: WCET | 3/3/2011
As of today, there are 119 days remaining until July 1, when the ‘state authorization’ regulation takes effect. With less than four months to go, we are forced to split our attention in two directions. The first direction is “advocacy.” […]