Understanding & Implementing an Education Content Strategy
The world of content is complex and rapidly evolving. From varying types of content, to varying modalities of delivery of that content, institutions are struggling to understand the content...
Issues and Trends in Edtech in 2017
In 2016 adaptive courses and content grew as a strategy for increasing student success and completion, while MOOCs still held a footing as delivery model for some, the term...
The Future of Internet of Things is at Our Doorstep
Hosted in partnership with Blackboard. The Internet of Things has moved from a concept on the edges of our minds and at the gateway to our institutions to the...
SAN EXCLUSIVE: 2016 SANsational Award Winners Present
Time: 9:00 AM Hawaii/ 11:00 AM Alaska/ 12:00 PM PDT and Arizona / 1:00 PM MDT/ 2:00 PM CDT/ 3:00 PM EDT Hear the SANsational award winners share their state authorization...
Understanding the Online College Student: Results from the Online College Students Report
Online education continues to grow at a greater rate than the rest of the higher education sector, with some projecting that online college students will make up close to...
eLearning Consortia Innovations from CA and NY
WCET has long supported multi-institution consortia in their collective efforts to improve services for their member institutions and, ultimately, their students. In this webcast, we heard about innovations at...
Combating Fraud While Protecting Aid for True Students
Institutions must have appropriate internal controls to prevent, detect, and report suspected fraud or abuse of federal financial aid funds. An October 2011 Dear Colleague Letter from the U.S....