
WCET Events

WCET hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including webcasts, seminars, and exclusive events for WCET members. We are always adding new opportunities to engage and learn with the WCET community, so be sure to check back frequently or sign up for our email list to learn about upcoming events.

WCET Member Only content logo.WCET Annual Meeting logo.WCET Summit logo.WCET Webcast logo.Logo: ASWE. Annual Summit for Women in eLearning.
Member-Only EventsAnnual MeetingSummitWebcastsASWE

Some WCET events are reserved for attendees from WCET member institutions/organizations. These include webcasts on digital learning practice, informal topic-focused discussions, and policy seminars. Some of these events are also open to SAN members.

The WCET Annual Meeting is held in the fall and brings together higher education professionals to share advances in digital learning practices and to explore emerging policy challenges facing institutions and organizations today.

WCET Summits are hosted in the spring and focus on a designated topic around major issues facing digital learning.

WCET webcasts are typically hosted on the third Thursday of the month and feature topics in the industry and expert presenters. While most are free and open to everyone, some are reserved for WCET and SAN members.

The Annual Summit for Women in eLearning is a community to connect, learn, share ideas, and support others in the field of digital learning. Held in conjunction with the WCET Annual Meeting, ASWE hosts a social gathering in even years and the full Summit in odd years.

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Previous WCET Events

WCET 28th Annual Meeting

12 Oct 2016

WCET, the leader in the practice, policy, and advocacy of digital learning in higher education, brought together innovative thinkers to discuss and collaborate around pragmatic solutions to today’s higher...

Understanding the Online College Student: Results from the Online College Students Report

15 Sep 2016

Online education continues to grow at a greater rate than the rest of the higher education sector, with some projecting that online college students will make up close to...

eLearning Consortia Innovations from CA and NY

14 Jun 2016

WCET has long supported multi-institution consortia in their collective efforts to improve services for their member institutions and, ultimately, their students. In this webcast, we heard about innovations at...

21st Century Credentials: Learners + Institutions + Workforce

08 Jun 2016

WCET’s Leadership Summit convened pioneering leaders from across higher education and workforce to consider new mechanisms for credentialing both formal and informal learning for students in ways that are...

Combating Fraud While Protecting Aid for True Students

21 May 2014

Institutions must have appropriate internal controls to prevent, detect, and report suspected fraud or abuse of federal financial aid funds. An October 2011 Dear Colleague Letter from the U.S....

For more information, contact:

Kim Nawrocki

Assistant Director, Events and Programs, WCET



Megan Raymond

Senior Director, Membership and Programs, WCET



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