State Authorization Timeline Clarification and New Resources
Published by: WCET | 5/24/2011
Tags: Regulation, State Authorization, U.S. Department Of Education
Published by: WCET | 5/24/2011
Tags: Regulation, State Authorization, U.S. Department Of Education
Before we get to some great resources from SHEEO, NCHEMS, Ohio Learning Network, and UMassOnlne, we’ll address a question we have received often. Since the release of the second ‘Dear Colleague’ letter by the U.S. Department of Education, we have been asked about the meaning of the new deadlines. Can we wait?
Of course the answer is a simple “yes”……..and “no”…
For the U.S. Department of Education…
For the states…
So…on the one hand you have some time to research the regulations and comply. On the other hand…you are probably already out of compliance somewhere according to state laws.
In future blogs, look for more information about myths surrounding state authorization, recent changes to state regulations, and an update on reciprocal agreements. Meanwhile, below are several new and developing resources that we think will help you.
New State Regulator Contact List from SHEEO
Paul Lingenfelter, president of the State Higher Education Executive Officers, recently announced the completion of the updated “Preliminary Contact List of State Regulators.” (NOTE: as they update that link, it might change. If that happens to you go to SHEEO’s state authorization web site.) The new list improves upon the previous work of our “Starter List” (created by WCET, SREB, ADEC, and the University of Wyoming) by including:
Additional information from SHEEO can be found on their new state authorization web site.
Marianne Boeke ( and Stacey Zis ( of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems are performing the work for SHEEO. They said that they have received several updates since publishing this list. If you have corrections or updates to the list, please send that information to them. They will update the list about once a week.
SHEEO Survey under Development
SHEEO is developing a comprehensive survey on state authorization issues. According to Lingenfelter, the survey will ask “a variety of questions concerning state authorization including when authorization is required for each state and territory (e.g., private; public; not-for-profit; for-profit; degree; non-degree; institution wide; and/or by program).” It also includes several other questions that will be helpful to institutions seeking authorization. Megan Raymond and I are on the advisory board that is currently reviewing the questions and providing feedback.
Resources from Ohio and Massachusetts
George Steele, executive director of the Ohio Learning Network, and Ken Udas, chief executive officer of UMassOnline, recently shared great state authorization resources that their organizations have created:
This is great work by both organizations. I think you will find the information that they’ve collected to be very helpful.
Russell Poulin
Deputy Director, Research & Analysis
Megan Raymond
Events Coordinator
State Approval page:
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