Tag: Textbooks

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Regional Collaboration in Promoting OER Adoption

Published by: WCET | 12/12/2018

Today WCET Frontiers is excited to showcase the recent Open Educational Resources (OER) Implementation and Policy Summit for the MHEC States. This multi-state OER meeting brought together OER advocates from across campuses, legislatures, faculty, students, and more to collaboratively learn […]

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Promising Practices and the Future of Dual Enrollment

Published by: WCET | 8/23/2018

In our last dual enrollment post, we discussed the various types of dual enrollment courses, impact of these courses, who’s taking and offering these courses, and the pros and cons of dual enrollment. This week we’re looking at some promising […]

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Opening a New Path to Success – A Journey with Open Textbooks

Published by: WCET | 4/26/2018

Z Degrees (Zero-Textbook Cost Degrees) are what many consider the holy grail of Open Educational Resources (OER) accomplishments. Today’s guest blogger, Tanya Grosz, Ph. D., Dean of Graduate, Online & Adult Learning, led the open initiative at the University of […]

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Open Textbooks and OER in Colorado: Lots of Interest and Great Promise

Published by: WCET | 2/9/2018

This week on WCET Frontiers Blog, Tanya Spilovoy, Ed. D., Director of Open Policy for WCET, discusses the outcomes of the Colorado Open Educational Resources (OER) Council recent work in open textbook initiatives, her research and consulting role with WCET, […]

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Fight the FoMO: Catch up on OER

Published by: WCET | 10/26/2017

Greetings from beautiful Denver, CO, where WCET Frontiers is joined by our Director of Open Policy, Tanya Spilovoy. Read on to catch up with Tanya on OER events, the Z Initiative, and how you can connect with her (either here […]

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How Open Educational Resources Give Faculty and Students What They Want

Published by: WCET | 3/29/2017

Undergraduate costs are on the rise and student loan debt is a huge issue impacting today’s society. How can we, as higher education professionals, help limit the costs for students while also ensuring and promoting their success? This week we […]

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North Dakota Open Educational Resources Initiative: A System-wide Success Story

Published by: WCET | 8/23/2016

Overview The North Dakota University System Open Educational Resources Initiative is a 3-phased plan hinging upon a unique collaboration among the North Dakota legislature, the University System Office, and the faculty at public institutions across the state. At the intersection […]

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What Colleges Should Be Doing with Open Educational Resources, At Scale!

Published by: WCET | 2/26/2016

Today we’re honored to welcome TJ Bliss, Program Officer, Education at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to share with us the learning the Foundation has garnered in over 15 years of supporting open educational resource projects.  Thank you, TJ […]

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Breaking Bad: Improving College and University Teaching

Published by: WCET | 4/22/2015

Tony Bates has had a distinguished career promoting distance learning and open learning and content initiatives around the world.  Today Tony shares with us his latest book – an online, open textbook – as a resource for those teaching in our current digital […]

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Opening the Doors to Education: Ensuring Accessibility in Open Textbooks

Published by: WCET | 4/1/2015

Accessibility is a concern across all of technology-enhanced education.  At BCcampus, they wanted to help content creators incorporate accessible practices into their open materials. Amanda Coolidge, Open Education manager at BCcampus, shares with us how they crafted the BC Open Textbook […]


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