New on WCET Frontiers

How Open Educational Resources Give Faculty and Students What They Want
Published by: WCET | 3/29/2017
Undergraduate costs are on the rise and student loan debt is a huge issue impacting today’s society. How can we, as higher education professionals, help limit the costs for students while also ensuring and promoting their success? This week we […]

Edtech is a Human Experience: My First SXSWedu
Published by: WCET | 3/14/2016
Sometimes you have to start at the end to see the beginning more clearly. On my {somewhat delayed} journey home from SXSWedu, our Mike Abbiatti posed the question, “if technology is all it’s cracked up to be, why do we spend so […]

Dispatch from WCET12: November 2, 2012
Published by: WCET | 11/2/2012
We enjoyed another great day in San Antonio for the WCET Annual Meeting. We’re happy to share some highlights with you. Equity: The Answer to National Completion Goals David Longanecker, WICHE President, introduced Deborah Santiago, Excelencia in Education, who gave […]

Do you have CLASS?
Published by: WCET | 9/13/2012
Game-based learning, gamification and badges are gathering steam across higher education as forms of student engagement and alternative credentialing. As your cooperative, WCET designed our authentic experience of badges and game-based learning to give our members and friends a way […]

Journey with WCET into Badges & Game Based Learning
Published by: WCET | 7/17/2012
Today WCET is pleased to announce the kick-off of Who’s Got Class? Our new badge and game-based learning initiative. This customized multi-player game provides our members and friends with the opportunity to explore the emerging, evolving world of badges and […]