Tag: Technology

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Steps in Forming a Good Partnership with Third Party Vendors

Published by: WCET | 10/3/2013

As a distance education administrator you will be working with all kinds of third party vendors. In higher education we use many vendors to run our business.  For distance education there are the critical systems we use, such as our […]

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25 Years of Advancing Excellence in Technology-enhanced Teaching and Learning

Published by: WCET | 9/9/2013

In 1989 a group of people committed to improving access to higher education across the western region met in Denver to form a cooperative organization to leverage technology for distributed education and to advance excellence in technology-enhanced teaching and learning […]

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ds106 is Made of the Stuff the Web is Made of

Published by: WCET | 2/13/2013

With all this talk about MOOCs, we wanted to hear from someone who had deep experience with open courses long before the idea was discovered by the elite universities.  Guest blogger Alan Levine most recently was instructional technology specialist at […]

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E-learning Predictions for 2013: Will Institutions Be Turned Upside Down?

Published by: WCET | 1/31/2013

A few weeks ago we asked you to: “Predict something that will happen this year regarding teaching, learning, technology, business of e-learning, policy, regulations, student behavior, or other related items.”  Some people see big changes for higher education.  Will higher […]

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California Switches Driver on Road to Future of Higher Education

Published by: WCET | 1/15/2013

In dealing with tight budgets, limited access to courses, growing costs to students, and concerns about educational quality, we’re noticing that governors and legislators in states and provinces are asking tough questions.  Many see technology as part of the answer […]

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Transforming the Developmental Math Experience

Published by: WCET | 11/8/2012

The WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award recognizes exceptional efforts by WCET members in implementing technology in higher education, especially in outstanding innovation, quality improvement, or achievements in using educational technology tools, techniques, or services.  Guest Blogger Claudia L’Amoreaux describes the […]

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Morphing Virtual into Reality – Building the “Virtual College”

Published by: WCET | 8/23/2012

Last fall, I had the pleasure of meeting President Lee Lambert and Ann Garnsey-Harner of Shoreline Community College after they presented on their ambitious plans to create a virtual college.  I was taken by the visionary leadership of President Lambert […]

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Technology Toys to Tools

Published by: WCET | 6/19/2012

Jane Bozarth, author of the book “Social Media for Trainers,” is an expert on training and social media strategy and a dynamic presenter. You won’t want to miss Jane’s keynote presentation which kicks off WCET’s 24th Annual Meeting, October 31 […]


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