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Beware of Wolves in Electronic Sheep’s Clothing

Published by: WCET | 3/7/2013

The requests look innocent enough. “I’ve created a site to help students looking to enroll in {insert option: online colleges, night school, distance education, adult education, and so on and so forth}.  My goal is to help students who want […]

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The Significance of CCRC’s New Research on Online Ed

Published by: WCET | 2/21/2013

Last Sunday, a New York Times editorial educated us on “The Trouble with Online College.” When the editorial focuses on the results of a longitudinal study by Columbia University’s  Community College Research Center (CCRC).  While they make some good points, […]

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ds106 is Made of the Stuff the Web is Made of

Published by: WCET | 2/13/2013

With all this talk about MOOCs, we wanted to hear from someone who had deep experience with open courses long before the idea was discovered by the elite universities.  Guest blogger Alan Levine most recently was instructional technology specialist at […]

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How the Course Catalog Killed Education

Published by: WCET | 2/6/2013

Dr. Christine Geith, Michigan State University, has been pioneering new approaches in higher education for more than 20 years using educational technology, online learning and entrepreneurial practices. Dr. Geith has experience in research, teaching, small business, internet start-ups, online and […]

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E-learning Predictions for 2013: Will Institutions Be Turned Upside Down?

Published by: WCET | 1/31/2013

A few weeks ago we asked you to: “Predict something that will happen this year regarding teaching, learning, technology, business of e-learning, policy, regulations, student behavior, or other related items.”  Some people see big changes for higher education.  Will higher […]

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New State Authorization ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter NOT Focused on Distance Ed

Published by: WCET | 1/25/2013

Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Education released a new “Dear Colleague” letter regarding the upcoming deadlines regarding state authorization.  The letter was sent to the attention of the “State Education Agency Administrators” and the governors of each state.  […]

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Serious Thinking About Online Learning In Florida

Published by: WCET | 1/24/2013

Last week, we heard Phil Hill’s take on a statewide meeting in California to address how technology-mediated learning could help the state meet its higher education goals.  David Longanecker, president of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) was […]

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California Switches Driver on Road to Future of Higher Education

Published by: WCET | 1/15/2013

In dealing with tight budgets, limited access to courses, growing costs to students, and concerns about educational quality, we’re noticing that governors and legislators in states and provinces are asking tough questions.  Many see technology as part of the answer […]

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Universities Rebranding with Competencies in Mind: Top Prediction for 2012

Published by: WCET | 1/10/2013

Early in 2012 we asked WCET members and other notable thinkers to provide predictions for postsecondary e-learning for the year.  From a OMG-it’s-all-over-the-media point-of-view, it’s quite clear that MOOCs were the big story this past year.  None of our prognosticators […]


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