Tag: Professional Development

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image with details of the webinar sessions


Strategies for Success Through Digital Learning 2023

Published by: WCET | 1/17/2023

Professional development is a highly important factor to our success. This is why we are sharing information on Every Learner Everywhere’s upcoming series “Strategies for Success Through Digital Learning.” This program includes access to a community of practice. Today, we’re […]

graphic of a grey and blue text box with quote: Ultimately, this is about the success of your students."


What Faculty Designers Can Tell Us about Online Course Reviews

Published by: WCET | 1/12/2023

In 2019, I asked our readers the question “how do you ensure quality in online courses?” This question was part of my introduction to a fantastic article written by Aimee deNoyelles from the University of Central Florida. Aimee discussed UCF’s […]

image of someone typing on a keybord with the word "password" overlaid on top of the image and a field representing a password


A Hopefully Interesting Introduction to Passwords

Published by: WCET | 9/8/2022

Password security is, simultaneously, one of the most important and most hated aspects of cybersecurity. To many – myself included – it’s frustrating and confounding that everyone should need so many passwords, each of which contain more complex characters, just […]

scrabble tiles read mental health matters


Mental Health Awareness and Care in Higher Education

Published by: WCET | 7/21/2022

Today I’m thankful to welcome, again, Kara Monroe, President and Founder of Monarch Strategies LLC to continue her Frontiers series on leadership in higher education digital learning. This post, a reflection on mental health, especially as it pertains to caring for […]

student typing on laptop


Accreditation, Quality, and Changes in Digital Learning

Published by: WCET | 5/17/2022

The changing nature of digital learning and postsecondary education in the post-COVID era has brought new opportunities and challenges for the quality assurance provided by the accreditation process. In a preview of a plenary session to be held at the […]

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Distributed Leadership Can Help with Recovery After the Pandemic

Published by: WCET | 6/25/2021

Today I am happy to welcome Vickie Cook with the University of Illinois Springfield, who joins us to discuss recent study undertaken on distributed leadership models and the experiences of using such models in our daily educational work. Thank you […]

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Extra Extra! Read All About It (these books)

Published by: WCET | 4/2/2021

There are always new books. Several books have either come across my desk or caught my attention this year. Wish I (and all of you) had more time to get all the reading done that we would like to accomplish. […]

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Modern Mentoring – and Thoughts on What That Is

Published by: WCET | 3/26/2021

Later today WCET will be hosting the first of its new member only events called Closer Conversations. These events are meant to foster active engagement and discussion between several higher education digital learning experts and attendees. in honor of International […]


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