Category: Practice

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Financial Aid: Tips and Tricks for Working with Non-Traditional Students

Published by: WCET | 6/12/2017

In the second of our series on financial aid issues, Brittany Hackett of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Officers (NASFAA), gives us a look at aid for non-traditional students. She also highlights some of NASFAA’s tip sheets for […]

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Relaunching the EdSurge Product Index

Published by: WCET | 6/5/2017

Hello! This week we welcome Sunny Lee, the Senior Product Manager with Higher Ed at EdSurge. The EdSurge HigherEd team just completed a total relaunch of their courseware product index, which is a system to help higher education administrators search […]

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WCET Summer Reading List

Published by: WCET | 5/25/2017

Happy Summer! Welcome to WCET’s 2017 Summer Reading list! This year we asked for several recommendations from the WCET team, our leadership committees, and friends, and compiled this exciting list of reads. We recommend grabbing your summer hat, sunblock, some […]

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Using Artificial Intelligence for Personality Insights

Published by: WCET | 5/18/2017

This week WCET Frontiers is excited to offer something a little different… We all know and love WCET’s Russ Poulin. Here at WCET, several of us are excited about innovative activities and developments in Artificial Intelligence. This week, Rosa Calabrese […]

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Oh, What’s in a Name? – Definitions of Distance Ed

Published by: WCET | 5/11/2017

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) And by name, I mean definition. And by definition, I mean the definition of distance education. […]

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New Digital Learning Compass Shows Distance Ed Enrollments Trending Upwards

Published by: WCET | 5/2/2017

Higher education enrollments for all students fell, but more students enrolled in distance education courses than ever before. This is one of the findings of the new “Distance Education Enrollment Report 2017” released by the new Digital Learning Compass partnership. […]

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The Purdue Acquisition of Kaplan – Background, Opinion, and Questions

Published by: WCET | 4/28/2017

There was quite a bit of surprise in the higher education world yesterday when Purdue University (a large land-grant university in Indiana) announced that it was essentially acquiring Kaplan University (a large for-profit institution). Lots of questions arise. This blog […]

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OLC and WCET Ask: “What Keeps You Up at Night?” – Part 2

Published by: WCET | 4/26/2017

This is the second in a two-part series on a partnership between the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and WCET (the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) to obtain feedback from some of our members. Part 1 focused on the outcome of […]

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OLC and WCET Ask: “What Keeps You Up at Night?” – Part 1

Published by: WCET | 4/20/2017

This is the first in a two-part series resulting from a partnership between the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and WCET (the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies). These posts provide you timely insights from your peers and seek to obtain your […]

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How Open Educational Resources Give Faculty and Students What They Want

Published by: WCET | 3/29/2017

Undergraduate costs are on the rise and student loan debt is a huge issue impacting today’s society. How can we, as higher education professionals, help limit the costs for students while also ensuring and promoting their success? This week we […]


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